HomeNewsNewsChina risks collapsing the world economy as its zero Covid strategy falls apart

China risks collapsing the world economy as its zero Covid strategy falls apart

There are a variety of theories about why this is. The most plausible explanation is that vaccines, especially those based on mRNA, were perceived to have side effects and the risks weren’t worth running if the authorities were true to their word about keeping the virus at bay.

In a tragic inversion of what has happened in much of the rest of the world, this means the young and healthy are more likely to be vaccinated than the elderly. 

Authorities are trying to make up for lost time but they are now chasing a wave of infections rather than getting out in front of it.

Most other countries, including New Zealand, which imposed severe travel restrictions for much of the pandemic, have now accepted that Covid is endemic and we must learn to live with it. 

In mainland China, the eradication of Covid is still government policy. Reversing course and launching a drive to get more of the population vaccinated would be tantamount to…

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