Carla: Our take-make-waste economy is unsustainable. According to the World Bank, we generate over 2 billion tons of solid waste a year, and that number is projected to grow to 3.4 billion by 2050.
With a finite number of resources available here on Earth, not only is our current way of doing things untenable: the environmental implications are catastrophic. And as much as some want to push finding solutions off, this isn’t a someday problem: it’s impacting our most vulnerable populations today.
But there are those who are currently working toward a more sustainable future by tapping into something called the Circular Economy.
Garry Cooper: The GDP of 44 of the current 50 states don’t equal the economy of the under use or not use of things. And so literally there is an economy of the things we don’t use and that is called the Circular Economy.
Carla: Today, I sit down with Dr. Garry Cooper, co-founder & CEO of Rheaply [reap-lee],…