HomeNewsNewsWe can grow the economy, strengthen security — and reduce emissions

We can grow the economy, strengthen security — and reduce emissions

Correction: An earlier version of this piece contained incorrect figures for U.S. renewable power generation. The error has been corrected.

In the Unites States’ march to transition to clean energy and reduce greenhouse gasses, resilience may be the most important word to summarize 2021. Nine months after the pandemic first upended lives and the economy, the market fundamentals for clean energy looked unstoppable. But it was not clear what further recovery would look like, nor how continued shocks would affect commitments to clean energy. Now, as we learn to live through new COVID-19 variants and economic and geopolitical challenges, the data are clear: We can grow the economy, create jobs, enhance national security and tackle climate change at the same time.

According to new data and analysis from the 2022 Sustainable Energy in America Factbook from the Business Council on Sustainable Energy, clean energy production is up. Way…

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